At Suimei High, the Sakura-sou dormitory is infamous for housing the school's most notorious delinquents. Thus, when the relatively tame Sorata Kanda is transferred to the dorm, escaping this insane asylum becomes his foremost goal. Trapped there for the time being, he must learn how to deal with his fellow residents, including bubbly animator Misaki Kamiigusa, charming playboy writer Jin Mitaka, and the ever-reclusive Ryuunosuke Akasaka. Surrounded by weirdness, Sorata frequently finds respite in his interactions with his one "normal" friend, aspiring voice actress Nanami Aoyama. When Mashiro Shiina—a new foreign exchange student—joins the dormitory, Sorata is instantly enraptured by her beauty. Underneath her otherworldly appearance, Mashiro is an autistic savant, capable of world-renowned brilliance in her art, yet unable to perform simple daily tasks. After Sorata ends up in charge of taking care of Mashiro, the two inevitably grow closer, with Sorata's initial desire to escape the dormitory becoming a forgotten goal. Despite their eccentricities, every resident is incredible in their own field, leaving Sorata to contend with his own lack of any particular skill. With brilliance all around him, he thus strives to become an equal to their talent. Revolving around the hardships and joys of its colorful cast, Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo is a heartwarming coming-of-age tale of friendship, love, ambition, and heartbreak—through the lens of an ordinary person surrounded by the extraordinary. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Type: TV
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Season: fall 2012
Status: Finished Airing
Read more: MyAnimeList (MAL)
Studios: J.C.Staff
Genres: Romance Drama
Tags: comedy school school life slice of life female protagonist shounen coming of age male protagonist japan seinen drama present romance software development video games friendship ensemble cast nudity maids kuudere aliens absurdist humour based on a light novel crossdressing harem novel tsundere family life love triangle romantic comedy large breasts tokyo slapstick yandere boarding house neighbors lgbtq+ themes love polygon boarding school drawing small breasts