In a dystopian future, detective Shinjuurou Yuuki—known by some as the "Defeated Detective"—solves mysteries throughout Tokyo. Aided by his odd associate Inga, Shinjuurou's insight and ingenuity in cracking cases, particularly homicides, lead to numerous mysteries solved and culprits caught. However, his partner seems to have some other, more sinister intentions for the people they catch, and the truth of the assistant's identity and motivation is shrouded in secrecy. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Type: TV
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Season: fall 2011
Status: Finished Airing
Read more: MyAnimeList (MAL)
Tags: sci-fi contemporary fantasy robots adventure police supernatural war male protagonist primarily adult cast crime japan seinen dystopian future drama plot continuity idol noir politics novel based on a novel psychological mystery detective gods satire urban noitamina gender bending detectives